Artist, Landscape

Sergei Inkatov: May 2012

I`m artist, Sergei Inkatov. Probably, my arts way was destined from above. As far back as I can remember I always paint being at home, child’s art school and college. Now, it seems for me that the painting chose me not I. I suppose this some kind of a mission to perform in order to show the world’s beauty and richness, its wonderful forms to reflect on the canvas.

There was one meeting to help me to realize that I was on the right way. I was thirteen and had been going to the child’s art school for some years. Our group and my teachers went to a park with historical constructions and rich landscapes to sketch. There were filming by director Sergey Paradzhanov at the same time. He was interested in our works watching our sketching while taking some time off the shooting. He turned to me for my drawing and wrote on the back side of it “Dear teacher, You’re lucky to have a such talented boy, help him, please, he’s not an ordinary one” followed by the next “Dear Namesake, it’s true You’re an artist, never stop painting”.He continued to shoot the film. Only with aging I realized how authoritative and interesting character Paradzhnov was, not only a bearded unknown that I saw at that time. The words “It’s true you’re an artist” that he told the youth certainly gave me anadded boost of confidence.

The world around beauty, cities, architecture, everything that was human-created for centuries inspire me as a painter. I like city pulse, its dynamic. There’s a place for the urbanistic composition and philosophical meditations in my creative work.

My favorite means of self-expression became the oil-painting on the canvas once and for all. This skill gives me all artistic freedom and at the same time makes me to stay on the soul searching offering the new opportunities.

Painting is one of the best human inventions because it allows to present the entire world in a piece of painting.