Art Fair

Visionary Art Award 2018: winners Toni Boot (NL) & Sergey Khorikov (RU)

March 27 – April 1, 2018, Moscow House of Artists, Exhibition in the very heart of Moscow.
Visionary art is an artistic style based on a spontaneous depiction of what is seen in the altered state of consciousness, religious, meditative contemplation, trance, as well as flashbacks that arise after so-called “tripods” (psychedelic state) altered states of consciousness, characterized by a different perception and an intense process of awareness. English synonyms Visionary art: Visionary Art, Fantastic Realism, Imaginative Art, Mystical Art, Psychedelic Art.
One of the creators of the theory of the noosphere and the modern theory of cosmic evolution, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, revealed the true nature and essence of art in the style of “Visionary art”: “We are not people who experience spiritual experience, but spiritual beings who experience the experience of human existence.”